Sites Designed with Your Visitor in Mind
Next Paradigm: |
- Web Page Creation
- Copy Writing
- Technical Writing
- Tecnical Editing
- Graphic Design
- E-Commerce and Forms
- Custom Scripting
- Video Presentations
Our Goal:
To convey your ideas, work, or product effectively and aesthetically to your web site visitors and customers.
Our Designs:
Our experience in technical sales, graphic arts and web design results in ergonomic, uncluttered, easy-to-navigate
web sites that are designed to hold your visitors interest while effectively conveying your message.
What you can expect:
A straightforward approach to the web page design at reasonable rates. We also employ techniques to enhance your web site's ranking in search engines.

Featured Web Sites by Next Paradigm
Safe Is Not An Option
A Book by Rand Simberg. Layout, illustrations and jacket by Bill Simon. Web site by Next Paradigm. |
dB Technical Sales
Manufacturers Representative for the Microwave and RF field. |
Origami Buckyball
The Origami Buckyball Construction Kit. The form taken by 60 corbon atoms. |